台州好多虹日用品有限公司,是一家从事吸塑加工的企业。公司成立于2010年,地处技术环境先进、交通便利的东海之滨----浙江玉环。 我公司配有先进的全自动吸塑成型机组,采用流水线生产模式,从事托盘,泡壳,吸塑盒,食品盒和食品托盘的生产,并可为客户的不同需求提供的产品和服务。 依托着不断发展革新的工艺技术、系统严格的企业管理与完善的售后服务,我公司产品连续销往香港、日本、马来西亚、新加坡、英国、美国等和地区,深受中外客商的好评。 公司本着“质量,客户至上,诚实守信”精神,热忱欢迎各界朋友来我公司考察与洽谈,并真诚期盼您的意见和指导。让我们携手并进,共创辉煌! Taizhou Hotter On Houseware Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer of plastic-uptake and processing.Founded in 2010,this young and energetic company is located in the beautiful coast of the East China Sea-Yuhuan,Zhejiang,with a convenient transport transport and advanced technology environment. Our company is equipped with the advanced automatic plastic molding unit,adopt assembly line production mode and specializes in the production of trays,blisters,plastic boxes,food boxes and food trays.For some other different needs of cusomers,we provide products and services of high quality as well. With a continuously updated technology,strict management system and superior after-sa